
Rank Name Puzzle Climb Attempts Accuracy Rating Rating change Checkmate Armageddon
Miquéias 64 455 97% 3153 -9
Barry Allen 46 100% 2925 0
Manash Kumar Deb Sarkar 920 97% 2902 1502
4 Marco-o-o 74 347 98% 2783 -18
5 Darío Alzate 99 66% 2639 25 29
6 Bonesy 123 1466 97% 2610 -40 64
7 Il Virtuoso Mascherato 130 342 95% 2567 1167 27
8 quarterplay 31 64% 2565 13
9 beatgiant 50 82 87% 2560 -5 38
10 Sonofkel62 200 99% 2539 11 41
11 Tricky Chaz 31 96% 2537 -8
12 Joan Fluvià Frigola 31 100% 2526 14
13 Pacer 31 100% 2511 13
14 Walter Allum 31 100% 2508 14
15 ovvl 101 100% 2479 67
16 AchimG 244 96% 2461 42
17 Carl Jethro 155 28% 2461 190
18 jacmat64 99 98% 2431 172
19 ayithiyash2013 69 46% 2414 -22
20 Blauerfreibauer 96 91% 2413 117
21 ElfTurm 84 352 97% 2393 44
22 kobo 77 100 94% 2375 21 55
23 Mike Rhodes 32 90% 2360 -32
24 falkbeer 77 214 94% 2307 -38
25 NeetaMahesh26 80 54 96% 2306 48
26 Vinod 53 98% 2297 45
27 Christoph Mahnel 49 95% 2292 15
28 seed5468 31 96% 2287 29
29 Rile 32 96% 2283 -20
30 [email protected] 77 75% 2263 -85
31 Feniks23 70 229 96% 2262 -11
32 zseouu 60 86% 2251 -5
33 sda 74 288 95% 2240 63
34 bohus 34 100% 2240 40
35 AG269 83 5934 95% 2237 54 41
36 Manojmani999 92 135 94% 2237 837
37 GeeGee 58 45 97% 2199 3
38 Malyaban Sarkar 41 87% 2195 -36
39 sammy123 34 61% 2195 -7
40 Mattias Poetrymusic 82 78% 2192 105
41 ravoman1966 39 46% 2191 79
42 David McCarthy 92 96% 2178 19
43 Steven Levy 159 58% 2177 132
44 badri_p 67 94% 2175 247
45 Zarkov 77 2070 94% 2168 65
46 winsed 78 933 90% 2163 763 61
47 Ahmed 35 88% 2158 -7
48 SmithyQ 268 94% 2157 90
49 Wojtek Was 67 164 75% 2156 89
50 MilesPlayzChess 59 494 89% 2151 751 53
51 Daddi 63 228 94% 2151 751
52 The Herring 34 85% 2151 12
53 Paratuga 74 1989 93% 2147 12 39
54 Witek_B 63 505 94% 2140 -39
55 jajuraj 75 266 93% 2132 104 70
56 Stiliqn 245 84% 2130 1930
57 pietro rotelli 78 386 94% 2128 -110
58 Ianchess 57 64 92% 2125 13
59 I Love Chess - Yes Yes Yes 320 98% 2122 722
60 Moorsider 64 385 94% 2118 18
61 Vovanho_11 64 85% 2115 715
62 Toby103837 65 323 95% 2114 140
63 ibrahim 48 88 95% 2114 -20
64 Grant Sbrocco 66 798 94% 2111 -72
65 Dennis572 72 378 94% 2111 -61
66 Marco 65 1000 93% 2109 104
67 Goran Mihalic 195 52% 2108 -17
68 erfan2008 36 69% 2108 55
69 Jyojo 95 61% 2107 216
70 Paul O'Sullivan 31 83% 2104 17
71 sarrus1811 582 50% 2101 18 70
72 Chambass 92 92% 2098 -54
73 Jeroenau 79 2277 93% 2093 -56 46
74 MPBremen 80 48% 2089 -52
75 Macmurphy1961 63 1172 94% 2088 125
76 TagilChess 36 88% 2087 687
77 ReGhosto 47 59% 2085 79 38
78 SA_King4 72 1786 95% 2083 42
79 Tavish 46 881 84% 2083 -144 64
80 Marcus 426 90% 2083 -47
81 Faetze_65 109 50% 2083 16
82 Mijlobbetiw 61 215 94% 2079 62
83 Bernado Tornado 72 2038 94% 2078 -18
84 TheKingCharlesCav 67 275 94% 2075 116 41
85 snrao 33 125 88% 2074 -21
86 TU71 58 544 90% 2070 55 40
87 dimitris 60 491 94% 2068 184
88 inaccessibles 50 578 96% 2066 666 68
89 MKDS_SILIGURI_0091353_WB_INDIA 100 97% 2065 665
90 John A Henderson 242 75% 2063 198
91 Guy easim 44 79% 2060 4
92 Glayde 56 354 92% 2059 45
93 Isaac Pedroso Fieri 264 95% 2055 655
94 MorphyFischerTal 50 64 90% 2055 68
95 Geriavit 58 181 93% 2053 65
96 Hritik9694 39 82% 2051 -53
97 JOSEPH NAVARRO 182 70% 2050 -156 54
98 smortne 91 93% 2050 -15
99 Chaim 56 88 93% 2049 39
100 Prabha 44 79% 2048 -16

Player must have at least 30 attempts. Tied by number of attempts.

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